How Many Books and For How Long?
Students may check out as many books as they reasonably need to get them through to their next library class. Books may be checked out and renewed as long as no one else is waiting for it. Please be courteous and bring back popular books so other students can have a chance to read them too. It is my policy to allow students to take out any book they are interested in to develop a true love of reading what they enjoy. If at any time the student or parent is unhappy with the book selection the student may bring it back and check out a new book.
Fines and Lost Book Fees
I do not charge fines for overdue books. If a book is lost or damaged, I ask that if the family is able, they replace the book by purchasing another book at the next book fair (it doesn't have to be the same title). The book can also be replaced with another copy of the same book purchased anywhere you like, or you can pay for the book and I will purchase a replacement. If this is not possible for your family, I understand. Students should keep a plastic bag in their backpacks for books. This will help prevent damage from water bottles and bad weather. Books should be kept away from small children and pets and should be enjoyed away from the dinner table! Please remember to use bookmarks instead of folding over page corners to mark your place.
How Mrs. LaFever Selects Books
The greatest gift we can give children is time and space to read and a selection of awesome books! Reading for pleasure leads to a higher level of intellectual curiosity and sets the stage for lifelong learning. When students read for pleasure, it is easier for them to read for information. It is with this philosophy in mind that the collection at Northwood Elementary School is curated.
Our fiction collection is carefully selected from the vast body of literature available for children. Students can expect to find popular and award winning books they will look forward to reading. The authors and stories represent our diverse student body.
Our non-fiction collection supports the classroom curriculum at all grade levels and is constantly updated to be certain students have access to the most current information. Students will also have access to the highest quality research databases and online reference materials.